Transform Your Entire Life When You
Master Your Self-Love
  • Consistently accomplish goals
  • Feel empowered and happy
  •  Experience Better Relationships
If you'd like to create a life that you absolutely love, then reading this letter 
will become one of the best investments you can make in yourself.
Claiming your self-love and stepping into your true power requires a shift away from old habits. Habits of thought, feeling, and behavior lead us down certain life paths. But that path can be highly stressful and unpredictable.
That's why I'm thrilled you have an interest in SELF-LOVE MASTERY.
The process I provide helps you live a life where you are in complete control of your emotional experience. By simply removing the filters that you've placed on life, you instantly give yourself massive clarity and direction.

This new approach to problems allows you to liberate yourself from the toxic thoughts and people that have been holding you back from the life that you were meant to live. You'll learn how to take back your power, your energy, and your drive.
As a published author for SUCCESS magazine, and having had my videos reach 110+ countries, I've had the opportunity to impact millions, and interact with thousands of people wanting to transform their lives.

And during that time, I noticed what works and what doesn't work when it comes to building a life of freedom, empowerment, and happiness, and self-love. 
That's why I was hired by people just like you 
to help them do the same.
And, I've not only been teaching it, but I've actually been in the trenches implementing it in my own life. And through all that, here is the most important discovery I can share with you... 

With the right strategy...
You can take back complete control of your life and
Here's a fact: influential people like Walt Disney, Martin Luther King Jr., and Princess Diana experienced enormous setbacks in their life and instead found a way to take control of their mind and create lives of massive abundance.

Other people like Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres have done it too.
How did they do it?
Because they realized that their teachers, parents, friends, and loved ones were doing the best they could but were unfortunately using an outdated system for understanding their world. As a result, they couldn't depend on them to teach them how to heal their wounds, and change the world.
In the long run, they decided to stand against that system, and develop a life that could be modeled. They employed a distinct process that gave them the ability to claim their self-loving power, massive energy, and as a result were able to free themselves and so many others.
That's great for celebrities but
How do YOU create that self-loving power?
The answer... create a life that YOU love 
regardless of others opinions.
Every single day, there are people that you and I interact with, who live in limitation. They have their own opinions about what is possible and if you were to tell them you were working on yourself, they might even judge you.
But those people that have put that criticism aside, and decided to invest in themselves, to love themselves, and to live the life they were meant to live find enormous levels of success and happiness.
We are in the midst of what I call,
"The Empowered Revolution" 
Those that decide to stay with their "old school" perspective of life will find it harder and harder to experience lasting energy. They continue to hope that the next self-help book or yoga class will provide them the centeredness that eludes them. But you and I both know that "hope" is a failing approach to life.

Plus, with the hope model, these very people develop a dependency on those books and classes. They need them in order to re-motivate, or feel better when a circumstance happens that is out of their control. That's stressful... even more when you begin to realize that you'll never arrive to self-love that way by constantly placing it in the future and out of reach.
So why now is the perfect time for
This "empowered revolution" has people like you and I cultivating a much stronger, more resilient pathway to promote equality, strength, love, and happiness.
When we put off our decision, we sabotage our potential progress. But self-love is about prioritizing yourself. It's about investing in yourself, the only person guaranteed in your future.
And these people also found
People Like ...
Sandy Dennis who experienced such negative self-talk and need for approval that she was anorexic and smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. Within two weeks she developed so much self-love that she returned to a healthy body weight, quit smoking, and now teaches her children the power of self-love to transform their lives. 
Amanda Cortezzo who had difficulty standing up for herself and prioritizing her needs above others. She felt like no one understood her and wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her life. Today, she runs a successful business with several employees and knows how to set her foot down and command respect.
Stephanie Cruz-Torres who was in the Navy Reserves but had failed two physical exams, and was about to get kicked out. Only going to the gym once a week. She took control of her mind and soon found herself going to the gym 5 times a week, doing crossfit, losing weight, and within three weeks passed the Navy physical exam.
And these are just a few examples!
There are literally thousands of areas where Self-Love can literally transform your life. Areas like:
And this is only just scratching the surface.
Self-Love can literally transform every area of your life.
If you're one of these three types of people
You need to let go. You find there are areas of your life, or people in your life that continue to weigh you down. There is something that is keeping you from growing to your full potential.
You need to transform. You know that there is something greater for you out there than you are currently doing: Maybe it's having your dream physique, pursuing a passion, having a loving relationship, traveling, or having more abundance
You need to integrate. You know what you need to do but you continue to self-sabotage and return to old habits. You wonder if your entire life will be  this way and you don't feel that you have the self-discipline to carry through to the life you deserve.
Let me explain...
If you need to let go...
Self-Love just makes sense.

It gives you the ability to start valuing yourself for who you are instead of overvaluing everybody else. You won't have the up and down, hot and cold that you may be familiar with.

When your happiness is dependent on others, it leaves you exhausted.
And it also limits you immensely.

It means that you won't set a standard for yourself that you can stick to. It means that you live in fear and out of a life that you have already outgrown.

Self-love will magnify the value in you such that you can break free from these limiting stories. It creates freedom for you AND gives you the ability to connect with who you actually ARE.
If you need to transform...
If we are being honest with ourselves, there is an area of our life we would like to change. 

Maybe it's your finances so you can feel freedom to fund your adventures. Maybe you'd like to have that body that you always dreamed of. Or the relationship you deserve. Maybe it's just feeling more emotional well-being.

It's great to have goals, but the problem with these is that many people fail to find happiness in the moment.

They believe that their happiness is somewhere over the horizon: happy if something happens, or happy when something happens.

The truth is, if you are happy now, you will have so much more energy to pursue your goals.
If you need to stop self-sabotage...
You're in a great position.

You start off creating the life that you love, but you inevitably return to old behaviors.

Or, you find a way to recreate the same stories of the past with new characters. 

Self-Love is essential here, because the first step is peeling away the layers and discovering who you are. As a result, you'll be able to uninstall the programming that keeps you doing the same thing over and over again.
With self-love, you'll be able to build the habits that serve you and eliminate the ones that keep you from attaining the life that you deserve.
I'm passionate about this because I know it works.
But how can I be so confident?
The reason is because I was patient zero. I was living in an apartment in NYC with a shared bathroom for the whole floor, I had less than $100 to my name, and I was crying on my couch. I had been to the hospital earlier that month and I was feeling absolute depression.
I didn't have a choice. It was up or out. So I told myself that I would find the way, no matter what.  I wanted to help people, but I told myself it would be, first and foremost, by my example. So I set out to heal my own wounds.
I had to heal myself first.
How did I do it? I paid attention to the people that were highly successful and happy in all areas of their life. And I learned first-hand the strategies they used to create a life of massive energy and power. I implemented it in my life, and it changed everything for me.
I started sharing my discoveries
I traveled the U.S. taking this body of knowledge that I accumulated and testing it. I'd find ways to refine the model and the application. 

I have a math and science background. I needed proof that this wasn't just something that worked for me, but something that could work for everybody.
The more people I worked with, the more I refined the strategy. It was then that decided to test it again in my own life.

The results were astounding. I implemented the mindset, and flipped my finances around: from -$13,000 of debt to being in the green in two months. It healed me from the destruction of a hot and cold relationship, and it gave me massive emotional mastery.
I tested my discoveries
I started implementing what worked for me to my high-end coaching clients. I wanted to see if I could replicate my results with anyone. And it worked... Regardless of the problem people were coming at me with, I could solve it. 

It literally worked for everybody regardless of their circumstance. I had found the secret to massive momentum.
The results proved this could be
Whether a person felt lost, was in a toxic relationship, lost a loved one, was suicidal, self-sabotaged, was lazy... 
You name it, this mindset of self-love literally transformed their lives in a short timeframe, often one week.

p.s. - As a scientist, you have to understand my surprise and need to prove or disprove the method. 
I tested and I tested, and I tested. And no matter what, I couldn't deny the results I was seeing.
And now I'd like to share the
Self-Love Mindset With You
The problem with individual coaching is that I can only serve one person at a time. I knew more people could benefit from what I was teaching. That's why I developed Self-Love Mastery and if you join us, I'd love to help you too.
If you are a person that wants more momentum in your life...
Or... You're a person that needs to let go and focus on yourself..

Or.. You're a person that wants to finally create the life that you deserve, Self-Love Mastery can help.

The truth is that the process I teach is the one I created for myself. I tested my strategies with others, and they too got amazing results. I knew more people could benefit, and that's why I created Self-Love Mastery.
Self-Love Mastery is a six module training program that gives you the clarity and confidence to completely design the life that you love.
I've taken over 2 years of working with thousands of people and distilled it down to a few key strategies that have maximum impact for improving your life and the life of all those you love.

Each module is delivered to you weekly to help you get maximum results.
This is NOT  a rehash of all the other self-development work you will find out there. These are the insights that have helped me flip people around in a short timeframe.

When you apply these strategies in your life, it will appear like the matrix. You won't be able to see life any other way, and you'll finally be awake to claim the life you deserve.
Specifically, this course is based around the 3-stage process of Self-Love.
Starting with...
I want you to have everything you need to succeed
which is why you are getting even more than the course curriculum.
I'm also including some additional foundational 
and advanced bonus trainings.
Weekly Teleseminars $997
Every week, you have an opportunity to dig in deeper with pre-recorded teleseminars. In here, we iron in the skills from the course and you'll get even more advanced topics to make your life changes quick.

This is an opportunity to listen, or watch the recordings to get over any sticking points and keep you building massive momentum.

5 Steps To Life Change  $147
5 Densely-Packed, POWERFUL Video Training Modules: In these trainings, I show you how to take ownership and maintain change in your life.
This is a quick burst of information, giving you the high level view on the exact steps that are necessary to improve your life.
This course is rife with examples and my breakdown of each individual step, so you know exactly how to navigate your life when change is a must.
This product has previously been released for sale only in an exclusive release to my mailing list. It is now yours free when you join Self-Love Mastery.
How does the
Program Work?
All the course materials, downloads and instruction is provided in a members only website. You'll be able to follow along and learn at your own pace after each module is released. 
Each module is comprised of video lessons. Downloadable audio versions, and lesson summaries are also provided so that no matter how you like to learn, we have you covered.
The entire site is optimized for your mobile device so that learning on the go is easy and convenient.
You will be supported
Self-Love Mastery is very step-by-step but it's natural to have questions. That's why we've gone to great lengths to ensure you'll be supported the whole way.

From our search (where you'll be able to search the modules and lessons to find exactly what you need) to the live and community support.

This is about massive momentum and I'm not going to let any questions keep you from getting results.
That's why every week as the course is being released,
I will also provide recorded office hours.
Who is Self-Love Mastery For?

If you are the type of person that wants to get more out of life, if you are tired of living the way you have day in and day out, then Self-Love Mastery is for you. If you want results in your health, your wealth, and your relationships, then this is life makeover that will take you to the future you've wanted most.
If you're reading this, I have no doubt that you take your life seriously. You know it's your path to live in absolute freedom. You wouldn't have made it this far if a stronger part of you wasn't feeling called to action. This is your path to creating the life that you love.
Here's my question for you...
Are you ready to step up into a bigger vision? Are you ready to claim your life?
Are you ready to find more energy, more happiness, more productivity, more love?
Are you ready to step into everything that would mean for you? 
A better lifestyle, where you always feel loved.
If you know that anything is possible with the right strategy, the right support and total focus and commitment, then this is for you.
Who Is Self-Love Mastery NOT For?

It's not for the Tire Kicker

This is the person who just wants to "kind of" check things out. You can't "kind of" create a life you love. Success doesn't "kind of" happen. You have to be intentional right from the get go.

Getting these types of results takes a commitment. You'd you want to fly with a pilot who "kind of" knew how to fly? Of go into surgery with a doctor who "kind of" knew what she was doing?

Hell no!

Self-Love Mastery is for people who are committed to transforming their lives. If the commitment isn't there, then this is NOT the right program for you and I ask that you please do not sign up.

It's not for the Magician

You know who I'm talking about right? This is the person who thinks that just by buying a course, money will roll into your bank account, attractive people will flock to your door, and the life you always dreamed of will fall into your lap.
It takes a commitment to learn these things, and it actually requires action. You have to implement.

If you apply what you learn, you will get results. But the results won't just come because you bought the course. You have to actually use what you learn.

It's not for the Mr. or Mrs. Know It All

What I'll be sharing with you works and we have LOTS of real world stories of clients who have succesfully taken their lives to the next level. So if you're someone who likes to focus on why something "wouldn't work", then this is not for you either.

I've said before, many of the strategies are counter-intuitive to what most people teach -- and that's partly why they work so well. You have to be open to what I'm sharing otherwise it's going to be a frustrating experience for both of us.
Will this
If you've read this far, then I know that you're serious but there could be a few
thoughts running through your mind. Things like...
"I don't have enough time for something else"
The last thing you and I want is something else on our to-do list. That's where Self-Love Mastery is unique. I know what works for student success.
That's why the entire course has been intentionally structured to help you absorb the content and get the results fast.
Sandy, a single mother of two "didn't have enough time" when we started working together. She decided to jump in and soon afterward found so much more energy produced by self-love that time no longer became an excuse.
"How is this different from other courses?"
This is not the accumulation of theories and best practices from the deep recesses of some outdated psychology textbook. This is not designed to leave you on a leather couch for the next 20 years talking about your problems. This is about results.
I personally put everything I teach to the test, learning from empirical data. I would revisit scientific literature and implement what I learned to see it's effect. The results in my own life were astounding.

I then went on to teach this to my highest paying coaching clients and soon found results that rivaled that of all others.
"I'm too messed up."
There is a saying that I live by that has allowed me to do things no other therapists are able to do. What I believe is that the ingoing assumption paints the terrain.
This means that most therapists and people go in with this mindset that the individual is messed up and needs to be fixed. I go in with the mindset that this person is perfect, they've just picked up a few disempowering thoughts.
This may seem overly simplistic, but this subtle difference, is what has given me the ability to help people literally on their deathbed. I've helped people come back from suicidal situations. If those people can come back from that, there is no telling what you can do.
"Will it be worth my investment?"
I've spent close to a hundred thousand dollars of my personal money on self-help books, programs, seminars, etc. So much of that money went wasted that I decided I would never do the same for my clients. I base everything I teach on results.

For me, I had to create something that the cost of not doing it would far outweigh the cost of the program. Imagine what the next 5, 10, 20, 30 years of your life would be if you didn't make the commitment.

And because I reward action takers, people that are willing to jump in, I offer a 14 day money back guarantee. I care so much about my clients that I want to ensure they get what they sign up for: results.
"How will self-love change my life?"
You have to consider the energy of things. How many times have you been in a shitty energy and as a result of that, your relationship had more fights, you started neglecting your goals, your life started to spiral.
Self-Love Mastery has you identify the exact moment that you start to lower your energy. It gives you heightened awareness, and as a result your energy literally skyrockets along with your confidence. This produces a level of followthrough and ambition that causes people to fall in love with their capability and action.

That action, applied to your goals literally catapults your success. It's like injecting nitrous oxide in your veins such that you start seeing results in any goal. I've tested this with people trying to improve their emotional or physical health, improve their wealth, or improve their relationships.
Backed by PROOF:
Self-Love Mastery has been proven to get results for a wide variety of people. 
This has been tested by people from all walks of life.
What is a Self-Love
Let's talk about the value of this course, the tuition, and what 
this course will be worth to you.
What is it worth to your life?
What is it worth to you and your life?
What is it worth to create the results in your life that 
most people dream of and call impossible?

What is it worth to your relationships?
What is it worth to have the type of relationships that you deserve? What would it be worth to the people that choose to love you to see you happy and successful in all areas of your life?

What is it worth to your legacy?
What is it worth to your memory? What is it worth to your children?
What is it worth to your friends and family?
What is it worth for you and the life that you want 
to lead as an example for everyone to see?
I'm going to be straight with you. Self-Love Mastery is priced based on the results that it produces.
It is a world class, well-designed and highly-effective system that gets you results. 
Here's the reality...

You Do Have Options,
If you think about all the other ways that you can learn about improving your life, from going to multi-day seminars (at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars) to private therapy (often priced in the thousands per month) to the school of hard knocks and trying to figure everything out on your own (which can cost you more than both of those things combined).
I mean, you can do these things if you wanted to, but I'm pretty sure that neither is backed by a money back guarantee if you don't get results in 14 days. But Self-Love Mastery is.
You know, I understand that you may have been burned by flashy promises before, but I want you to know this... that is not who I am. I pride myself on my reputation and it's the reason I have grown so quickly. It's the reason I have a steady stream of clients and it's the reason that, with very little promotion, I continue to help people around the planet.

I stand firmly behind everything that I offer in my business. And the same goes for your investment in this course.

6 Core Modules: $1,997 
6 Teleseminars: $997
5 Steps to Life Change Course: $147

Total: $3141

$147 USD
Save 15% -- Pay in full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, email us, We're happy to help!
Payment methods accepted
Get in touch with us if you have any questions.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again..
If you follow what I'm going to show you, you will make progress - and that's why I guarantee it with a..
"Steal My Stuff" Guarantee
If you are unhappy with Self-Love Mastery during the first 2 weeks, 
I want to give you your money back.

Here's why...
Over the last two years, I've had my videos seen by millions across 110 countries. I've read messages from thousands around the planet and had the opportunity to work with so many of those people. I've coached and consulted people across the entire spectrum of human emotion, so I've seen what works in more circumstances than I can possibly explain.
And most importantly, I've personally been in the trenches improving my own life using the strategies that I uncovered and coached clients with. That means I've invested thousands and thousands of hours mastering this craft. I've spent close to a hundred thousand dollars of my own money testing, tweaking, and identifying the few key strategies that make all the difference.
These strategies have produced tremendous results for me and my clients. But before putting them into a course, I knew I had to replicate them in a wide variety of situations. So for the last year I have coached people individually. Many of them had no sense of direction in their lives and they felt powerless to change it.
And after they implemented these strategies, they too created successful lives filled with self-love, success, freedom and happiness. Their results were astonishing.
The Self-Love Mastery process just flat out works. It's based on years of experience and from the interaction and research with thousands of people.
And that's why it's 
backed with a
Here's how the
guarantee works...
Go through the course. If you don't love it, email me at any time during the first 14 days. Show me you're doing the exercises and I'll immediately send you a prompt and courteous refund.
BTW - I ask you to send me your work because I know if you implement what I teach, you will get results. However, if you're thinking of purchasing without doing anything, you and I both know you won't make any progress. I'm not interested in spending energy supporting "tire kickers"...and hopefully this isn't you.
Our Self-Love Mastery  will be made up of people who take their life seriously. People who understand the value of their life and what that means for everyone they interact with. These are the people who are committed to serving the world as an example of what is possible.
That's why I want you to go through the course for 14 days, implement what I share and begin experiencing the benefits. Self-Love Mastery is the most complete system for producing deep insights on how to live a life that you love... and I can't wait to help you do the same.

There Has Never Been a Better Time
We live in an exciting time. Never before has there been so much opportunity for you and I to reach the pinnacle of the lives we deserve.
But that also means there is a lot of change that's happening around us. Some people will keep up with the change. Others will not.
To make the progress you want in your life, you've got to break your old habits. The way you're going to do that is by investing in this program. I am going to walk you through, step-by-step, the process of taking what you know and turning it into the life you deserve.
Remember we are in the "Empowered Revolution". You have to decide now to claim your throne and empower your life from here on out.
Your time is valuable. And the more success you experience, the more valuable your time becomes.
But that creates a tension. And you will continue to feel that tension unless you find a a way to experience more energy. You and I both know that you can't produce more time.

But you can make a shift. You can shift away from an outdated model of life that makes you feel less than, and not enough. You can commit to a life that allows you experience your utmost potential, experience absolute happiness, and produce the kind of results that people only dream of.

Ask yourself this...
What is important in your life right  now?

What do you want to achieve?

What personal goals do you have that keep getting pushed to the back burner because you're always too busy, or don't have enough time, or money, or energy?

You have an opportunity to do something about that right now. Today.

If you want to truly make a difference in your life, and in the lives of the people you love, then join me.
I Will Be Here To Support You
Self-Love Mastery is a program that will help you create so much more power and energy for your life and for the people you love.
So if you want to transform your life, then I invite you to say "yes". Yes to your goals. Yes to more freedom. Yes to more power. Yes to more energy. Yes to more Self-Love.
Let this be the beginning of your journey.
I look forward to being your guide along the way. Click the button below and register now. 
I'll see you inside the program.

6 Core Modules: $1,997 
6 Teleseminars: $997
5 Steps to Life Change Course: $147

Total: $3141

$147 USD
Save 15% -- Pay in full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, email us, We're happy to help!
Payment Methods accepted
Get in touch with us if you have any questions!
Ethical Notice and Earnings Disclaimer
The information and processes taught in Self-Love Mastery are real and work. However, Cassina Connection International LLC, or Diego Cassina cannot in any good conscience guarantee any outcome of financial gain from purchasing this program. 

We can teach you everything we know, but we can't implement it for you. As it is in life, how far you go is up to you and your ability to implement what we teach you. It's stipulated by law and our good intentions for you that we let you know this. You'll get the most cutting-edge training on the market, and it's up to you to make it happen. 

You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. 

Making decisions based on any information presented in our products, events, services, or website, should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience risk or losses just like any entrepreneurial endeavour. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. 
Copyright 2020  Cassina Connection International, LLC.